Theories of Asian Architecture
This module looks at the history of South, Southeast, and East Asian architecture as a whole, with a focus on architectural design and construction, building science and technology, garden design, and city planning, all through three key themes: sustainability, tradition and modernity, and globalisation. These themes will guide the weekly lecture and projects, which will range from the development of a theoretical apparatus to the investigation of concrete examples. Through research posters and oral presentations, we gained a comprehension of Asian architecture and urbanism, as well as the interpretation of Asian architectural language.
Sketch journal of a traditional street
This assignment provided methods of understanding the component "lexicons" of traditional streets through tangible architectural and spatial aspects, as well as palpable socio-cultural attributes. It allows pupils to comprehend the specific conditions that shape the distinctive place identity and socio-cultural significance of traditional streets. Observations were recorded in a sketch diary with a written summary of 100 words.
Poster and seminar
We were expected to create a poster for the street about which we would be creating a video. My groupmates and I chose the Sin Sze Si Ya temple expressly to study its history as well as the structure and strategies to maintain the temple for future generations. I narrated the entire film, which lasted about 5 to 6 minutes. We learned from this project that preserving an incredibly old structure is not as simple as it appears: but there is always a solution.
Sketching Analysis
This project required us to conduct a research analysis process on selected architectural historical building sites using sketching practices, a literature review, and documentation, and then present appropriate sketching, chronology, and diagram analysis based on the knowledge gained during the analysis procedure. It was a lot of fun to go to each location and explore both the exterior and interior.
To deepen our understanding of vernacular and traditional architecture and its growth in response to many situations, test questions were offered based on lectures, online lectures, and readings.
Tutorial Exercises
Every week, we had tutorial exercises following each lecture. It kept us on our toes and ensured that we paid attention during each lesson. The exercises mostly involved sketching and labelling ancient structures. In addition, in order to complete the activities, we had to conduct additional research on each era. This was a fun way to encourage students to do their own research.